Angels in Caltatagéron
Caltagirone (Sicily). July 2018. The event that will take place within the city hall (Palazzo Comunale) is of an incredible nature. For the first time in the history of art, a well-known artist will come back from beyond the grave to transmit his energy to the attending audience. The aforementioned event is the solo exhibition of the master Lorenzo Chinnici: “Angels in Calatagèron” (Angeli a Calatagèron).
The exuberant spirit of Caravaggio, that between 1608 and 1609 was in Caltagirone, is going to return to this enchanted place and join the art show through the world-renowned psychic Craig Warwick “The Man Who See and Talks With Angels” who has been taken over by many visions over the past years, has also channelled vibrations originating from Caltagirone.
Warwick has sensed the torment coming from both Caravaggio and from Lorenzo Chinnici. The former due to the fact that the painting he did in the calatina area - the area surrounding Caltagirone - was stolen in 1609. The latter due to his desire to embrace the soul of the great artist from Lombardy, one of the many models he aspired to be; the shadow of which also hovers over the writer Vincenzo Calí. The author, fascinated by Chinnici's artwork, writes poems while being inspired by his paintings, which appear to him in his dream-like visions.
The greatest works of the master Chinnici will be accompanied by the verses of said writer to recount the story of a fascinating Sicily, a melting pot of atavistic energy and of new drives.
Another integral part of the exhibition will be the containers which Chinnici used to store the paint he utilised in his artwork, and which have been fully restored #lasiciliainunbarattolo (#sicilyinapainttin). These vessels encapsulate the spirits of Sicily, the soul of the master, and which combined with voices, smells, laughter and poetry will spread among the present invoking them into a timeless dance.
The exhibition makes significant comebacks possible, enabling Caltagirone, the city which hosts the grain bank (banca del grano), to germinate new life. To ultimate this event, thanks to a partnership with Simenza, an agricultural company, participants with receive a warm welcome and will be able to try their samples.
“Angels in Calatagèron” has also been possible thanks to the mediation of Michela Velardita and to the enthusiastic welcoming the project has received from the Town of Caltagirone (Comune di Caltagirone), a baroque town, renowned across the world for its exquisite ceramics.
The organisers who made this unordinary event possible, did not want to hold it with the pretence of promising a miracle, rather they wanted to recount a fable regarding Sicily in which dreams can become reality and to allow participants to undergo an extraordinary experience.