Eternal Men
From the beginning of time
Men have passed on this magnificent land
men of all races and cultures
Kings, soldiers, peasants, artisans, humble or rich people
Of all these only a few God has granted a Gift,
the Gift, to leave the indelible mark of their earthly passage.
What is the light that comes from the dark .................. .. it's just a moment
What is the wind .................. .. it's just a moment
What is the wave of the sea ............................ it's just a moment
What is man in the time of the earth ...... .. is only a moment
What is the thought of a man .................. .. is just a moment, written, transmit it over time
What is the stone ..................... .. is the matter that is made of earth and is Eternal
What is a painting .................. is figurative thought, created by man, it remains in time
What is a sculpture ......... .. is the thought of the man carved on the stone, it remains in time
Thought, painting, sculpture, a song or a creation
They are called Art .................................
Men that exist in the world
Only to these men ... GOD ... granted a gift
the gift of being ETERNAL, their passage remains in time
these men men, they are called ... ..
.... ARTISTS OR POETS ... ..
With esteem for a great artist